Monday, December 8, 2014

If you're going to San Francisco

I can't believe December is already here! And in only a couple weeks it will be Christmas…and then the new year! Yikes, life is flying by real quick. But luckily I'm crossing off places and things I've wanted to see before this year is over. Mike and I got to go to San Francisco with our dear friend Sarah. Her parents live about 20 minutes outside of the city and I couldn't believe it but I actually felt and experienced the season of fall again. I love seasons and to have the opportunity to leave Los Angeles for a bit, you bet I jumped on that as soon as I could! I ate a lot of yummy homemade food and spent time with Sarahs family for Thanksgiving and I FaceTimed my family, it's always hard being away from them during the holidays, but with the help of technology, for a fleeting five minutes it was almost like we were never apart.
Us three amigos of course went to the city and I thought it was just magical. We also went to Haight Street and like you would imagine it was a lot like Boulder, CO (for all my natives back home *whoop whoop*). It had tons of hippies and young gypsies, amazing thrift shopping, healthy and active people, the things you don't always see everyday…like a man who looked like Jesus on a longboard paddling down the street and I was offered drugs a multitude of times (obviously I don't do that). For some of you this sort of place may seem like the last place you want to be, but I like a little color in my neighborhood ya know? I loved the art that was ingrained in the city, the laid-back vibe, the activity and life, the bay, the cute colorful houses and the streets that resemble a roller coaster ride, perfect for skaters like my husband. New Grace Fact: San Fransisco is my #2 favorite city I've been too, Denver topping at #1.

While we were here I couldn't leave without seeing some sort of forest. LA just doesn't have that much nature, everything is desert or concrete. And I stinkin' love nature! So Sarah and I woke up at the butt-crack of dawn and drove to Oakland to get some mystic shots with smoke bombs in the woods. 


Photography // Sarah Grunder Photography
T-Shirt Dress // Urban Outfitters (sold out)
Booties // Forever 21(sold out)
Pants // Urban Outfitters (sold out) 
Jean Moto Jacket // Levi's (found mine thrifting)
Fedora  // Forever 21 or Urban Outfitters
Menswear Inspired Coat // The Gap (but I got mine at a thrift store)

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