Thursday, December 1, 2016

A Letter To My Younger Self

A few weeks ago I was inspired to write this letter about what I would say to my younger self. I'm a pretty open person and strangely enough I found this kind of difficult to share, but from my experience everything brought out of darkness and into the light brings nothing but healing. Mind you this is what I would have NEEDED to hear years ago and it may be disturbing to some of you, but this in fact was my reality and is the reality of so many teens and young adults.

To my younger self,

I know your suicidal thoughts.
I hear the lies echoing in your head about your self hate. 
I see your tears, your blood and mutilated limbs. 
I see past your tough exterior you use to hide in. 
I know you're broken and I know you're hurting. 
Your pain is real. 

You may not believe me when I tell you this,
but one day you will experience the highest of highs
and I'm not talking about any drug.
It's natural, it's so real and it's something greater than you, something from outside you that lives, moves and breathes and that will move through you. 
You can't see it now because it's very dark where you are, bu there is hope.
You are not alone.

One day you will actually love you.
And one day you will actually love your body.
You will quit hurting it for temporary comfort.
You will be kind to it. 
One day you will see yourself as beautiful.

Will you please fight to live another day?
Because I promise you this pain and internal suffering will stop.

Will you please fight to live another day?
Because the pain you feel right now will one day be use to bring other girls hope.

Will you please fight to live another day?
Because you are deeply loved.

Please keep fighting,

I know you're tired, but I believe in you.

You are so strong.
You are courageous.
You are worthy. 


Your Older Self 

"We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed but not in despair, persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed."

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