Monday, August 14, 2017

Heaven On A Harley

Earlier this summer I decided to take action to fulfill a childhood dream. One that was highly frowned up by family and friends (and I understand why), but it's something I've always dreamed about and wanted before I ever decided to have children ( I'm not pregnant). You've probably figured out by now that this dream I had was to own my very own motorcycle! And it's crazy I've actually done it. It surprisingly came very naturally to me, I think only because my first car was a stick shift. But none the less it was still scary. Scary because of other drivers, scary 'cause I've never done this before, it was just scary. I thought a few times "OMG, should I have done this?" and it was intimidating to move into a culture that seems to be so male dominated. But I wasn't and never will let the fear of the unknown dictate my future. I have never lived that way, so I wasn't going to let fear creep in now! And after months passing I've become more comfortable riding and I have the feeling of freedom found on a bike that I've always dreamed of. I have this space with the bike, the road and wind where I'm by myself letting go of a stress-filled day and just riding.
It's place I've found where I can just BE. It's become this sanctuary where I process, talk and dream and dream bigger world changing dreams with God. So I guess you could say I've found a little piece of Heaven on my Harley. :) 

-Grace xo

Photography by Sarah Grunder

Outfit Details:
Leather Jacket: Zara
Shirt: BDG at Urban Outfitters
Jeans: PacSun
Boots: Dr. Marten

And there's this, cause this guy is so supportive

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