Thursday, October 27, 2016

My Birthday Surprise to Köln, Germany

For my birthday back in September, Michael totally surprised me with a weekend trip to Germany! He had given me a card with the news of us leaving early the next morning written inside. I didn't believe him, I thought he was pulling some sort of sick prank haha but he wasn't! It was so sweet! I was in such shock and I burst into uncontrollable laughter and tears, I don't think I've ever felt so loved!

So we were off at 5am the next morning to Köln, Germany. Our stay consisted of staying with family friends (who were extremely hospitable), exploring the massive Köln Cathedral, relaxing in the peace and quiet of small villages with cobble stone streets, hiking, a date along the Rhine River and drinking lots of German beer. (Cause how could you it was the beginning of Octoberfest!). 

Thank you Michael for going above and beyond to make me feel special! And thank you to the friends and family that helped make this surprise possible! I'm so blessed to have the people that I do in my life and Germany was amazing!

Michael has been getting into film and digital photography lately so almost all of the pictures on here Michael took :)

Also when you pack for a weekend trip in my rule book you can only take so many things so I packed three days worth of clothes that could be mixed and matched and put in a small suitcase.

What I packed

Taupe Hoodie - Urban Outfitters

Black Wide Brim Hat - Lack Of Color

Black Beanie - Brixton

Vintage Harley Shirt - Thrift Store

Ripped Boyfriend Jeans - Urban Outfitters

Black Jeans - Urban Outfitters

Vintage Jean Jacket - Urban Renewal

Black Boots - Doc Martens

Leather Jacket - Zara

Selma Purse - Michael Kors

Stripped Shirt - Brandy Melville

Sunnies - Forever 21

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