Thursday, January 5, 2017


And just like that...another year has come and gone. It's been a whirl wind and it has also been rich in adventure and full of inspiration. I was blessed to serve yet another year with Youth With A it was also my last *sniff sniff*. I was able to volunteer another season of fashion week both in NY + LA. I made new friends and made more memories with old ones. Mike and I found ourselves a church home at Zoe LA. I continued to pursued my career in hair and made new business endeavors. I got to check Oregon off my bucket list (and I need to go again). Mike and I spent three months in Europe (specifically Barcelona) staffing a school for artists and creatives and Michael with skateboarding and filming. AND the last two weeks of the year and we ended up moving back to Colorado! Phew! The last month has been a blur, but it's nice to start the year of fresh and with some clarity. Cheers to 2017!

Wishing you all love, peace, joy and happiness! 

Photography by Michael Penhale

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